Corsaro Family Page |
The neighbor is at it again ! The Flying School crash landed ! Now, he's trying some sort of "Water Yoga". He's promising to be able to provide you with the same sleek figure pictured here. He claims your balance will improve dramatically. He is targeting golfers, and promising 20+ yards added to their drives. Stay tuned on this one. | |
Now the neighbor has taken an internet course on flying, and is opening his own Flying School. We were able to obtain this photo of his first "lesson". If you look closely, you can see his student is busy signing his last will and testament before take off. If this is like the rest his ventures, it won't be long before it comes crashing down. Literally !
It didn't take long for the TV repair business to fold. Now he's trying to launch his own satellite TV service. Apparently he's the only person in the neighborhood who can't get U-Verse. I think AT&T banned him after he retired. It does appear his large mug is scaring all the critters away. So, even if he doesn't launch his TV service, the dishes are serving an alternate purpose. | |
Well, the home improvement company must have gone bust. Now the bad neighbor is attempting to repair TV's. This is ironic, since he can't figure out how to turn his own TV on. Here he his attempting to digitize someone's old analog TV. Who has one of these ancient things laying around anyway ? Any bets on whether this thing works again ? Stay tuned(No pun intended). |
Now the Bad Neighbor is shamelessly promoting his new home improvement company. He has his son-in-law and grandson out in frigid temperatures trying to drum up business. Will he stop at nothing. I think his slogan is: I don't want to make any money, I just love to sell windows. | |
Image my surprise when we got home on the July 4th earlier than expected and found this U-Haul van parked in our driveway. Lord only knows what is else is being used while we are gone to the lake. He was probably storing illegal fireworks to sell in the neighborhood. | |
Everone has one. That one bad seed in the neighborhood.
This web page will keep this you up to date on what this
"anonymous neighbor" has been up to lately. The picture at the right shows a view from his backyard, looking at my house. He is quite the bush trimmer.